"Barbara has this rare talent of sourcing both your inner and outer beauty and bringing them to their full potential. A truly uplifting and magical experience!"
Reviewing Officer
Local Goverment, Kent
"In aplying a broad range of related strategies to sessions with Blackbird Leys Choir, Barbara reinforced the vocal confidence of strong performers within the group. Her workshops also gave others, those who might easily have been lost even within a relatively small community choir's ranks, the courage to claim singing as a natural form of personal expression...."
Barbara’s amazing Holistic Voice Therapy sessions worked gently on my energy levels at first, allowing me the chance to relax and enjoy what we were doing together. During the first session, I began to feel old tensions in my head and neck lifting and gradually became aware of a flow of energy around my body. Barbara allowed these sensations to develop over the course of our six sessions together, which meant that I gained trust in her and the incredible power of chakra singing. I gained a greater awareness of myself and of others around me during the sessions and also deepened my experience of being present in my body. I recommend Barbara’s work to anyone who, like me, has a demanding job and is looking for a more spacious sense of being alive!
Music Journalist, London
“Working with Barbara was an amazing, healing journey to the inner world, to the hidden and forgotten part of myself, gently unwrapping what had been kept for such a long time and was blocking the light from coming into my life.... Finally, I was able to say aloud and disenchant what used to be petrifying and was keeping me away from living my life joyfully.
It was beautiful and loving.
It was safe.
It was liberating.”
Ayurveda Massage Therapist, Weybridge