My Beautiful Life Journey So far
“It is not the 'loud sound of living' That Causes discomfort. It is our resistance That creates tension, which in turn causes discomfort”.
“As you ‘Say Yes’ to thoughts and feelings of all kinds, a new spirit of conscious awareness emerges. I will introduce you to the liberating energy of non-resistance and acceptance, giving you the confidence to Say Yes to life’s abundant richness”.
"Be the one who loves you the most"
“I was born and raised in a peaceful little village in the mountain region of southern Poland. My childhood experience taught me much about life's simple beauty and joyfulness. And it introduced me to the supportive power, compassion and wisdom of small communities. That amazing spirit, so easily lost in our hectic changing world, remains my guide to helping others. After completing a diploma in social work, I became a senior social worker at a pioneering Shelter for Single Mothers in Bielsko-BiaÅ‚a. During my time there I worked with single mothers and women in abusive relationships. I was able to put therapeutic theories into practice by leading drama and clowning workshops and encouraging my clients to build confidence through public performance. This marked a turning point in my life. Because of it, I discovered how creative play and expressive freedom could improve the outlook and attitudes of people in crisis”.
Barbara Chabior moved from Poland to London in 2002 in search of fresh creative ideas and the inspiration necessary to realise her vision of international Say Yes Spa-ce, Holistic Playgrounds® where people’s psyche and soma can flow in consonant harmony with their environment. She was immersed in the natural world during her childhood in a small village in the mountains of southern Poland and realised later how vital the expression of play, interaction with our surroundings and the freedom of intrapsychic dynamics are to our being in the world. This breakthrough came while she was working in the British multidisciplinary care system and discovered the constant flow that exists in states of meaning and meaninglessness, of positive and negative, of passion and neutrality.
Barbara Chabior attended many training and workshop sessions. Her studies have introduced her to everything from Performing Arts, Process Work Psychology and Neuro-linguistic Programming to Sesame Institute of Drama and Movement Therapy. She obtained a Master’s degree in Psychodynamic and Systemic Thinking and Psychology of the Group at the Tavistock Institute in 2011 and qualified two years later as a Holistic Voice Therapist under the aegis of the British Academy of Sound Therapy.
Barbara is currently developing her doctoral proposal of Flove© paradigm, an integral model of expressive arts therapy based on elements of epigenetics, psychodynamics and quantum physics. Her doctorate is going to be quintessentially a phenomenological research, whereby claims of originality and contribution to new knowledge will be demonstrated through creative outcomes in the form of film, photography, design, music, digital media, performances and exhibitions.
She intends to create City in Novations© and Say Yes Spa-ce Holistic Playgrounds©, a radical complement to the existing structures of social and health care, education and welfare guided by her idea of Flove and open to awareness of new ways of cultivating unbiased perception of others, objects, events and environments.
"My identity as I experience it today is closely linked to my philosophy of no identity, of being able to let go of attachment to any fixed view of who ‘I’ am. That process of owning and then transforming all my selves has been very empowering for me. My main goal is to grow and contribute toward the growth of others by sharing what I have learned. This is all part of a process, of my lifetime’s work. My life’s purpose is living in non-resistance. I’ve brought together so much knowledge into one piece, which I call Flove. We always resonate at some frequency, with shame, guilt, pride, aspiration, inspiration. Once you allow these conditions to flow together with love, and find the balance between negative and positive resonances, everything flows. Like a film director, you work with each character and embrace every trait that appears on the scene. I needed to embrace my emotionality. I learned to own, live, love and express the traits of hurting myself, and how to transform them with ease and grace. I really invested in loving those traits of avoidance and denial, neglecting myself, and so on. It’s not about this cheesy word ‘love’; rather, it’s about cultivating the ability to engage unconditionally with all the frequencies of loving and loathing without negativity, resentment or infatuation around these. I can say openly that I love not having a clue about things that don’t matter to me; I love being present, vulnerable and embracing all my traits."
On 22 October 2013 I was nominated for membership to THE UNESCO
International Dance Council
by Alkis Raftis Prof. Dr., President of the UNESCO International Dance Council
" Dear Barbara...In view of your profile I have nominated you for membership to the UNESCO International Dance Council, the official organization for Dance in the world" Alkis Raftis