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Say Yes Philosophy

       Can we find the connection in our life experiences between body and mind by how present we are in the moment; how deeply we are listening and participating; how much critical self-reflection we engage in, to be able to bring as much awareness as possible to the depth, the complexity and the intricacy of what is going on?

       How deep, metaphorically and multi-dimensionally speaking, can you be in the present moment, to get the most out of that moment?

How do you discover being present?


How do you engage with it?


                            Barbara Chabior invites you to ‘Say Yes’ to every experience. Her holistic coaching methods combine ancient Eastern traditions of wisdom and contemporary Western therapeutic techniques. Above all, Barbara’s work is informed by profound compassion and her conviction that every person should be treated as a unique individual. She enables others to ‘Say Yes’, encouraging them to stay with disturbing thoughts and physical sensations before embarking on inspiring journeys of change. Her one-to-one sessions are tailor-made to aid your personal development and spiritual growth.

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